Friday, July 15, 2016

The ABC's of School

 How to Survive School from A-Z

A) After school, lie on bed and think about how much you don’t want to start homework.

B) Before school, wake up looking like you walked through a hurricane.

C) Carefully plan how you will actually finish your work.

D) During class, look at teacher and nod, while actually calculating how much more time till lunch.

E) Even though summer is the best break from school, count down to smaller holidays when there is no school. The time will seem to pass faster.

F) Finish work on time or you will get bad grades.

G) Great, you have a science project due Thursday, a science test on Wednesday, a history test on Tuesday, a math test Monday, an English project due Friday, and finals next week.

H) Have lots of food. Literally, more than you think.

I) It will get better… at some point.

J) Just breathe. Take it one step at a time.

K) Knowledge will reward you… at some point in your life… hopefully...

L) Lazily drag your feet on they way to do homework so as to put it off for as long as possible.

M) Maybe form relationships with scary social people and call them “friends”.

N) Never be mean to people… at least not everyone.You can be mean to a few really evil people.

O) Organize your supplies… hahahahaha, never mind.

P) Pray, that if you’re going to die, it's before that science test that’s worth 75% of your grade.

Q) Question the purpose of homework constantly.

R) Rather than failing, somehow manage to get good grade despite all previous advice.

S) Sleep? What's that? Do you mean homework?

T) Teachers are there to help.

U) Use the excuse “I’m doing homework” to get out of social gatherings.

V) Vacations are not an option unless you wish to have 5 millennia of homework to catch up on when you get back.

W) Wish that you were back in kindergarten.

X) Xenacious. You will definitely want change.

Y) You can do it!!! Everyone else in the history of the world has made it through school without dying… I think...

Z) Zillion degrees of happiness you will have when summer finally arrives.


  1. I'm impressed that you actually found a decent X word that isn't xylophone. Good job. You managed to almost making me smile. Although you did forget about all the crying.

  2. Haha, thanks. Oh yeah, crying... I don't know how I'd fit that in, since I've mentioned homework about a thousand times... And homework is the main trigger of tears, at least it was for me.

  3. "S) Sleep? What's that? Do you mean homework?" SO TRUE

  4. I love this! Especially the Zillion degrees of happiness one :)
